
What is this game about?
is a supernatural rpg set in the year 1220 and it takes place in the fictional English town of Wildemont.

What supernatural races are accepted into the game?
At this point in time, to focus more on the wolf vs. hunter aspect of the game, we are only accepting humans and werewolves. We may permit other supernatural races in the future, but for now we are only allowing those two.

Can humans have supernatural abilities?
In this game, humans do not have supernatural abilities. Unless, of course, they are turned into a werewolf.

What are the guidelines for werewolves in this game?
Here is quick run-down of our guidelines for wolves in this game:
CREATION: Bitten or born
ABILITIES: Heightened senses, increased strength and advanced healing
WEAKNESS: Weakened by silver and only killed by strikes to the heart or head
TRANSFORMATION: Older wolves can learn to control transformation, but all wolves must shift on the full moon.

Is there a limit to how many characters I can play?
There is no character limit, just take on only what you can handle. We're open to extensions on activity checks, but will approach members who abuse this privilege with multiple characters on a regular basis.

Do you require PBs to have medieval icons?
It would be swell if you brought in a face with medieval icons, but you are not required to do so. (By the way, there is an awesome list of medieval/fantasy icons
here.) You can bring in any face as long as their icons do not have any modern references (sunglasses, cell phones, a kardashian, etc).

What do I need to have posted before applying?
Post a biography containing at least two to three paragraphs of information about your character. Also, have a contact page posted so other players can get in touch with you.

Can I play one of the "guilty" wolves?
As far as who the attackers are and why they are attacking, we don't know. We want that plot to unfold in-game. You are welcome to play one of the attackers, just give the mod a head's up. There can be a few at this point and, depending on how the game progresses, we may allow more at a later date.

If you have any questions for the mods, please comment here! We won't bite (much)! ;)